The Blue Elephant began as a simple bedtime story. Jeffrey Quinn wanted to find a way to let his daughter know that she was special. And so, over many tellings the story of the blue elephant took shape. While the pivotal moment in the story was based on an actual event (see The Story Behind the Story), the bedtime story grew into the one that is now captured in the book.
Over the years the blue elephant took on a life of its own, making regular appearances in our conversations, our games, and our activities. In the early days of preschool my daughter was asked to draw her favorite animal. She of course chose an elephant and colored it blue.
Over the years the blue elephant took on a life of its own, making regular appearances in our conversations, our games, and our activities. In the early days of preschool my daughter was asked to draw her favorite animal. She of course chose an elephant and colored it blue.
Check out our promotional video and the bloopers on Jeffrey Quinn's Amazon.com author's page.